Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Quote Day...

The lotus... 
The most symbolic flower... 
Rooted in mud, growing towards sunshine, rises a perfect bloom untarnished by the muck surrounding it.  
xoxo Shauna

Battle of the Tinted Moisturizers

This week, I purchased Laura Mercier's tinted moisturizer & Mac's version "Studio Moisture Tint".  I wore each of them for a full day to decide which one I liked better & hands down Mac won this battle.

Laura Mercier seems to get all the glory in the tinted moisurizer catagory & I do love my foundation by them, but the tinted moisurizer left me looking a bit greasy after a couple hours & didn't smooth out my complexion.
On the other hand, MAC's Studio Tint evened out my skin tone & was so light I felt like I had nothing on.  My only gripe is that it's only SPF 15, so sunscreen is still a total must.  

Another plus, MAC's tinted moisturizer will cost you $29, while Laura's will cost you $42.  

It's a win-win!

xoxo Shauna

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


First stop, MADRID. 

I've just been super busy tying up loose ends at work & getting ready for my trip!  

Lots of photos to come though since I just got my new camera in the mail!  I researched a lot for this one, & ended up getting a new Canon Powershot.  You can't beat the price point & dependability.

Canon Powershot SD 1400 IS


xoxo Shauna

F21 Love

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Quote Day...

& a few of my current obsessions & favorite things...

S M A R T is sexy.

riot passion.

& I never want it to end.
V I N T A G E everything.

O B S E S S E D.

the best cuddle buddies ever.



prison break.
Add caption
kate LOVE.

B R I G H T  N A I L S

summer flowers.

ballerina buns.

200+ JC's in 1 closet. 

love her... what can I say?

S M A R T tattoos.
she makes designers look goooooood. 

lumberjack sexy.

xoxo Shauna